Harry and bellatrix marriage contract fanfiction.
Damn Bellatrix Lestrange.
- Harry and bellatrix marriage contract fanfiction "Oh, my. " Harry simply stared at Amelia, waiting for her to continue. Also "impossible," yet it's true: Since it's not a choice Harry makes to mind control them, I think it definitely counts. " - Harry and his bride must be married by his 15th birthday - Harry and his bride must receive between one years and one month notice of the deadline to marry - If harry and his bride do not marry, their lives and magic will be forfeited. Disclaimer: Well, as everyone knows, the World of Harry Potter and the Characters and the right to earn money with this stuff belongs sadly to one J. "Fleur, I know we said we'd give it a few months, but if the Weasleys are planning this sort of thing. Jacob continued "as marriage contracts are mostly done by pureblood houses where House Potter is one from although most of the pureblood houses especially the dark families and staunch supporters from blood-purity or traditions if you don't count houses with grudges against House Potter don't consider them and certainly Harry not as a pureblood An ambitious Voldemort prepares to lead his armies into the Delenda Est dimension to topple Minister Black III. " "'arry. Another theme is the exploration of dark and light magic. Harry answered Andromeda's unspoken question. There will be minor smut, and I won't stick to humans — but I will stick to Harry/F and possibly F/F. Warnings: AU, mentions of suicide, slight language, some OOC, spoilers for up to book five. It proves that I was not the secret keeper. As for the marriage contract you may now destroy it. She decides to keep and groom him to be their next Dark Lord, and enlists the aid of Narcissa. AN: This came about from reading several truly annoying marriage contract stories. Rudolphus LeStrange had given nearly everything to secure her hand, and in the end had to allow Bellatrix her to scratch her perpetual itch. "Andy! I have some great news! Grandfather and Harry signed the contract! I'm going to be marrying Harry!" Narcissa announced bouncing in her seat, all the while Bellatrix pouted. "The Godric's Hollow Players. However, it is weird Bill knows that his father would never agree to a marriage contract for his only daughter. Mum's. Why would her family, whose motto was family above all else, agree to a marriage contract with such a dark family?She badly wanted to blame her father or even her grandfather, but knew the blame lay many "A marriage contract!" Bellatrix snapped. Neville looked taken aback at the ready and firm answer, and Harry carried on before the black-haired Auror could get angry once again, "In fact Bella hates the person that did torture your parents probably as much as you do, because she got much the same treatment by him during their marriage – except throw in frequent rape as well. Bellatrix There are even idiots saying you married him. This is very much the case in linkffn(A Life Twice Lived). She constantly surprised everyone with Harry has found himself in a dire need. Harry felt his eyes begin to water, five days after writing it they were gone, lives ripped away. He Harry and Daphne married in November. Murder. Somehow he had landed under Bellatrix's dress with his face pressed between her legs. Love meant taking into consideration the other person's emotions. She had been highly sought after for marriage. It had been a week, a week since the Battle of the Ministry, a whole week since Harry had lost his only remaining family, of his hope of escaping from the Dursleys' with Sirius. "That means" "That means," Neville said as he led the pair of witches on the path back to the castle, "That Harry and Daphne married in "Please not Bellatrix, please not Bellatrix," he muttered, looking down at the letter in his hand again. She was angrier than she'd ever been in her life and it was all because of her fucking family. "But that doesn't make sense," Harry said, "Three Betrothal Contracts. Love changes you. The marriage contract in question is in my room. But, he has lost the element of surprise, and there is a Pre-OotP dimension in between his dimension and the DE dimension where he will have to fight Minister Black's armies, spies, and civilian meddlers, not to mention two Harry Potters and the infamous Black Triplets. "Bellatrix, the girl is near enough Harry's age," Andromeda pointed out. " Amelia started before Susan stood abruptly. " he explained with a tired sigh and took Fistfang to his room, where he turned over the marriage contract to the small goblin, who hastily read through the contract with practised eyes hastily seeking out the pertinent parts and merely skimming through the rest. Aha! Birth records, Medical records, Marriage contract, parents wil wait Marriage Contract!? Morgana, there was one! Ok, maybe it's not bad, let's see who it's with. Damn them all. Harry James Potter - Born 31st July 1980. " Harry had completely lied to her, he wasn't above the concept, even if he didn't go through with it. That changed, and the contract is now in effect. " Fred and George looked at Harry with awe and immediately fell to their knees and began worshipping Harry, "PLEASE TEACH US, O MIGHTY ONE! WE ARE UNWORTHY!" "A marriage contract is an agreement between two families as mean of bringing the families together. Harry-Lestrange is an avid fanfiction It was a sign of just how desperate the situation was that Bellatrix was the best candidate. " AU fic where Bellatrix raises Harry; rated for violence/language forward, he finds himself thrown into professional Quidditch, the TriWizard Tournament, dating and, most of all, a marriage contract The sisters trick Harry into marrying them [AN: Accepted] Harry appears at the beginning of summer and spends time with the Black Family before marrying the daughters before they (and possibly him depending on the age you make him) go to Hogwarts [AN: Accepted] Bellatrix and Andromeda are twins [AN: Accepted] "You see, there is a marriage contract that has existed between House Bones and House Peverell for a nearly a hundred years or so. "On a more serious note, if we are planning a break out, we will be freeing everyone that I find to have been unjustly placed there by the Ministry. The idea game him a big smile. I, Edgar Bones enter my beautiful Amelia Bones into marriage. His summer isn't all fun and games though, a recent escaped mass murderer has the Ministry flustered and they find a Marriage Contract that wreaks of Ogden's Finest signed by Sirius Black and James Potter. I admit, I didn't really want to flesh out the story much and Wizarding Politics (Harry Potter) Wizarding Culture (Harry Potter) Wizarding Laws (Harry Potter) Harry changes Wizarding Laws; Sane Voldemort (Harry Potter) Mentions of Suicide; mentions of suicide chapter 78; Summary. "It was worth a try. Love. M for a reason. Damn Dumbledore. Rodolphus' name and face vanished from the tapestry and Bellatrix's name was changed to Bellatrix Black. Mungo's was about as friendly as could be expected, to find themselves faced with a non-verbal witch who was operating on a weird combination of: instincts built for a prostitution themed transfiguration; an animagus transformation that was starving, injured, and comatose; and the original mind of the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange. " Realization finally came to the smartest witch of her generation. " When marriage contracts are in play, pureblood families work out their differences. Lucius Malfoy had never wanted to fall in love. "As Lord Black, I hereby declare the marriage contract of Rudolphus LeStrange and Bellatrix Black breached by the LeStrange family and the marriage dissolved. Harry was looking at the Boggart of Sirius trying to find the words to say how he felt; the marriage contract was for a Pure-blood, he tried to wrap his head around the entire situation and looking at Hermione who was smiling at him showing her love for him. " "Speaking of the wedding "Here," Nagnok said, handing it over. "Dinner is over, you'll have to get some from the house elves," he stated. The Linkffn(Heart and Soul by Sillimaure) is a slow burn Harry/Fleur (later Harry/Fleur/Hermione) and their courtship begins due to a marriage contract signed in the time of their grandfathers. "Ted, how are you doing today? Harry who did not know a family till then will now be living with a big family of Potters and Blacks. Does Dumbledore Harry didn't flinch as the magic from Ginny slammed into him, adding to his own magic. I'm not done. If I'd have to estimate, I'd say the total length of this fic would be And I got to thinking, what if James had gotten drunk and signed a marriage contract for Harry, one that married him to the wrong witch. We had fun. It messes with your mind. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 22,526 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 1,198 - Follows: 1,189 - Updated: 7/27/2024 - Published: 12/6/2020 - id: 13763112 Two nights before the wedding, which would take place on Harry's birthday, both Harry and Bellatrix went out on their own: Harry to the Three Broomsticks with Hagrid, Edgar, Xenophilius, Frank, Bertram, Sirius, and Alphard, while Bellatrix went to the Leaky Cauldron with Andromeda and Greta, who was quite surprised and pleased to be invited Let's see, Bones, Susan. Lactation will be everywhere Harry goes, but the remainder will be kind of vanilla. A marriage contract. Harry secretly thought that both Bellatrix and Narcissa had sexy qualities about them. " "Harry, I think that you should wait to go after Dumbledore for the fake will. They want him to sign away his freedom and his future and his life on a girl who didn't even attend her best FanFiction | unleash Harry/Bellatrix, Grey Harry, Evil Dumbledore, AD/MM bashing. Stuck in 1974, Harry Potter enters the steel cage in a tournament to win the right to marry the Black sisters. Harry was gradually falling in love with Bellatrix. Harry Potter. The families would use a spell to determine how compatible the two children are and who has the best chance to produce magical children. Then he walked over to the speaker podium and the Chief Warlock motioned for him to speak. "Oh Cissy, guess what?" Bellatrix said, in a sing-song voice. Harry was reluctant of what he'd find; life had never been easy, so why would that change now. One moment you're thinking clearly, being a functional human being and the next, your significant other clouds your thoughts and hurts your judgment. Despite having wanted this marriage and all but begging her father for a marriage contract. " "It looks like that decision paid off," Narcissa said. Wow, Harry. Furthermore will be revealed in the next chapter. It was rather severe. He is desperate to find a date to the Yule Ball but the universe seems to have it out for him. " Harry true to form comes flying out dressing Bellatrix with him once they finally land Harry blushes like never before. This will also eventually be Harry/Bellatrix so if you don't like it, don't read it! The Dark Witch and the Necromancer However the pairing for this story will be Harry/Padma/Parvati and a marriage contract will be involved but not the typical you have to marry or you die type contract. Killed by his own flesh and blood, Bellatrix, his own cousin. "Glad to know that a witch has to be certifiably insane to bond with you, Tom," quipped Harry. , Sirius B. This was merely the final reason to follow through on the unwritten Black marriage escape clause. "I have done the loveless, empty arranged marriage before, and even though yes we need this marriage to be able to carry on the family name, I have no intention of being stuck in that type of relationship again," "Bellatrix," Harry nodded. " He let go of Bellatrix's hand and walked over, taking Fleur's hand. Anyone ignoring the new marriage law would be punished severely. Next Harry met those blue eyes, absently watching as he placed secrecy spells around them to allow them privacy. Then she looked the young woman in the eyes, "Don't forget to check the Marriage contract. He stared at it, then decided that was one problem he wasn't dealing with today. I didn't play it safe. "Marry me today, let's go to Gringotts and sign the marriage contract. Or does it? With the simple act of asking out two of the Supporting characters will grow, but the story begins and ends with Harry and Hermione. Eventually he negotiates a contract with her father to protect her from the law. "No, of course not Hermione. "Some stupid little bint is trying to steal my boy from me!" "And just whom is the contract with?" Narcissa asked calmly. "That means" "That means," Neville said as he led the pair of witches on the path back to the castle, "That Harry and Daphne married in Tonks forcibly removed the memories and they all watched as Harry was arrested durring the triwizard, then tossed into the same cell as Bellatrix, where the two exchanged stories, Harry doing everything to protect his brother, and Bellatrix being under a marriage contract that made the imperius unbreakable. " She covered her mouth with a mitten covered hand. I, Sirius Black enter the daughters of my house into marriage. The second 1 with the Linfred's are with the house of Lestrange which engages him to 17 old Vega. "Bellatrix Black, known to the public as Bellatrix Lestrange," replied Tom. I, Lord Black, here by annul the marriage contract of Bellatrix Druella Lestrange née Black to Rodolphus Lestrange and reinstate Bellatrix Druella Lestrange née Black to the Black family as Bellatrix Druella Black Chapter 2 – The Marriage Contract. "That's great Cissy," Andromeda replied, almost immediately the two Black sisters looked at Andromeda and knew something was off. Rebastian would be joining her dear husband as well. The blunt declaration caused the courtroom to descend into stunned silence. Ex. Damn Narcissa Malfoy. )O(As the day and the last-minute preperations for the wedding progressed, Bellatrix went silent and cold. Damn Fudge. " "This wedding is going to be excruciating," Andromeda predicted, and while Narcissa looked scandalized at the very thought, Bellatrix had no doubt that she was completely correct. No one man could satisfy her appetites, and it was widely rumored she liked pain. A halfblood boy has singlehandedly defeated the leader of an army of Purebloods! Blood-purity dogma says such a thing is impossible, yet I've seen it happen with my own eyes. Just gone His grief was almost too much, Harry was suffering. He took an unsteady breath and dropped to one knee. true. 'Marriage contracts?' Harry's voice came out as a squeak to his embarrassment. What I want to do is take your parents will and present it as evidence for my case. " "Ok, fine. In the end, their painting came out gorgeous. Pairing First, the rotten apples, from this day on, Bellatrix's marriage is annulled, by breach of the Marriage contract. Finally, I cast her out of "Andi, it's a bloody marriage contract! A contract to the dumbest, ugliest, sorriest excuse for a human being that has graced the world of the living! Sweet Morgana! How can father even think about forcing me to marry a Lestrange! RUDOLPHUS LESTRANGE of all people! I won't do it, I just won't do it!" Bella was almost hyperventilating she was so Harry heard a sharp gasp beside him and saw Hermione cover her mouth with her hand. "It's Hydrus! Included within was the notice that House Malfoy was now House Potter-Black's by Rite of Combat, and three documents congratulating Lord Potter-Black on his marriage to Narcissa Black, Nymphadora Tonks, and Bellatrix Black. . She knew her cousin well, and those were not the eyes of a madman, nothing like the gaze of her eldest sister Bellatrix, they Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. Will this simple thing change the course of With more pressure than ever, Arcturus spent days pouring over the marriage contract Cygnus had signed. Harry has just lost his godfather and he is ready for a break from everything before he loses his mind. Marriage Contract: Amelia Susan Bones Having forcibly barged into Harry's house, Bellatrix gives Harry lessons in the Dark Arts for her own purposes, but perhaps it is he who will teach her that love is stronger than manipulation. "Cone on James, Lily well love him marrying two bettificsl girls. The staff at St. (James) James Charles Potter do hereby enter my son Harry into marrying contract. 'Marriage Contract. The only way Harry can get free of those who wish to use him is to agree to an already made betrothal contract created by Dorea Black-Potter. That leads to him coming back and his identity is revealed. Whether the rest of the courtroom was simply surprised, shocked into silence by the brashness of the declaration, or aghast at the possibility of seeing their "national hero" (a title which still had the power to cause Harry to shake his head in disbelief, given the shots he had The marriage contract she WAS under was a slave-control contract, thus Bellatrix Black was effectively under the imperious curse at the time of her crimes and should be cleared, to be made a ward unto the Lord Black until such a time she enters into an approved marriage contract and cleared of all charges against her. After almost 10 more minutes Bellatrix finds the curse and showed it to Harry. , Regulus B. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance but at long last they had found Harry Potter hiding in Godrics Hollow. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 19,349 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 337 - Follows: 172 - Updated: 8/7/2007 "Alright. "Silence, BITCH. Her eyes grew misty and Harry could tell she wasn't exactly happy about this. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 19,349 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 337 - Follows: 172 - Updated: 8/7/2007 Marriage in Mind. "Arranged Marriage!" Narcissa practically shouted, the entire hall delving into silence. "Married! I'm supposed to get married?!" said a shocked Harry. " Hannah corrected, finally feeling the spinning sensation go away. Daphne Lenora Greengrass - Born 27th May 1980. He didn't stop because he had miraculously overcome the constant and permeating sense of guilt he felt for his own foolish actions—he had a feeling that might never go away. " Sirius said, then raised his wand. Linfred Has 1 with the house of Farley which means you have to marry Gemma Farley who is your age. yes. An intelligent well trained Harry who wants to save his and many other families from destruction due to war! powerful Harry ! well trained Harry! lord Harry! Harry Bellatrix! Harry Narcissa ! or both Daphne Greengrass was trembling. Harry reached into his coat pocket and removed a few envelopes and placed them on the podium. Also for the two girls I am going to borrow a device I really liked from the story searching for the power from the HPFanFicArchive website. Bellatrix was unable to maintain any bonds to House Black, and was under the complete control of her bonded and his house. "I would like one day without her screeching. Her first reaction upon meeting Harry is wanting to experiment if him, and she's been staying at Malfoy Manor for over a decade Harry was irate while Marina was crying and James defeated, continue please says James. Her Dowry is confiscated, all loans are called in, agreements and alliances she might have done are annulled. Harry Potter is ready for his 3rd year at Hogwarts, he's blown up his Aunt Marge and staying at the Leaky Cauldron. Bellatrix with her crazy curls, purple eyes and pale skin held a lot of dominatrix-like aspects to her attire. This wasn't her room, nor was it the dorm Where was she? The bed was large and luxurious. Marriage Contracts. Disclaimer: All of this is based upon the lovely J. " "Anyone who thinks that is wrong Tracey. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Molly Weasley roared. Unfortunately for him, now he has to deal with being the lord of two houses and learning what that means while also coming to terms with a family secret that's been hidden for years. - Words: 1,796 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 724 - Follows: 400 - Published: 1/20/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12330180 + What if a poorly worded contract forced FemHarry to Marry Bellatrix, and Bellatrix didn't really change her ways. " [HIATUS!]Deliciously Dark. 'So far the Potter family has no outstanding marriage contracts. The world will be explained through these two outsiders dealing with everything new. It was common in the old days to keep a familys bloodline from dying out. " FanFiction | unleash Harry P. The next chapter is brought to you guys with a time skip. The vaulted hall was ready, tall candles casting shadows into the folds of the rich plum velvet wall-hangings, polished mahogany chairs with silver name plates neatly set in rows, and the two stone steps at the front polished and waiting for their actors to take centre stage. Harry/Bellatrix, quasi-harem for a reason but H/B/N overall. Though you can take the Lordship of the other houses, if you want. "Betrothal Contract," Harry echoed, "But – isn't that –?" "A marriage contract, Harry," Hermione said. She leads them all to the floo and steps in still holding Harry's hand throws some floo powder in and says "St. Now updated. That clause seemed to surprise Mr Weasley, as it was still common in marriage contracts, even if no life debt was involved at all. Recommended: - Harry/ Amelia Bones - Harry/ Andromeda Tonks - Harry/ Gwenog Jones - Pregnancy. " "Please, dear Merlin, not Bellatrix," he muttered, trying to find the name. Those in apprenticeship programs were still required to marry along the same timeframe as everyone else; however, they had 7 years to produce 3 children as opposed to 5 years. For the first time in my life I got away from what I knew. Bellatrix Lestrange was the first one to enter the ruins of Harry's childhood There is a marriage I want annulled. Harry Potter?!" After calming herself down, she took the contract, and headed back to her office to read it over and see what it actually said. Damn Bellatrix Lestrange. After his first month at home, Harry stopped brooding. They will A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. Potter Manor: Daphne woke slowly. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,853 - Reviews: "Fine, Bella. Harry felt more rested now, Bellatrix roused after feeling him move. "A marriage contract? What! Are you serious! It can't be me! I'm" 213 votes, 59 comments. However, we do not know if there are any in the Blacks. Chapter Five – The Rumors Circulate. It was like something Bellatrix might wear, with tight black pants, heeled boots that the pants were tucked into that stopped just below Morgan's knees while the top was also black and had a corset built into it, all topped with Acromantula silk robes. " "I agree Sirius. " "Damn!" Harry mumbled. Name: Harry James Potter (adopted), Herakles Salazar Black (Riddle) Parents: Tom Marvolo Riddle, Bellatrix Druella Lestrange nee Black. Harry took me shopping, he took me out to eat at some surprisingly wonderful Muggle restaurants, and we saw a Muggle show that was so amazing I can't really "Well, no. The file had been closed upon your father's passing. The room tastefully decorated; over the fireplace was a family crest It took a few seconds for her to recognize it . Books Harry Potter. Those men who survived an evening with Bellatrix carried their scars proudly. Many Realisations in fact, all of them profound—. Unfortunately, the specific parameters of the contract have never been fulfilled in order to activate it. Harry's identity is now setting a few things into motion that will be having an impact on the war to come. Book 1 of the Love of Bones series Following the death of Sirius, Harry finds himself as the newly named Lord Black forced to honor a marriage contract with Amelia Bones. " In Hospital. A surprise marriage contract makes things even more FanFiction | unleash Harry P. The contract is agreed upon by Sirius Orion Black and Edgar Ronald Bones. 'Yes Mr. Considering his right testicle hadn't been up for negotiation when Andi had found out he tried to bind her to a marriage contract, Narcissa wasn't surprised at his reticence in the slightest. The mad rabid bitch of Voldemort. Why, she kept asking herself. "You knew exactly what you I, James Charles Potter does hereby enter my son Harry into this marriage contract. He used the contract and she went mad. They restricted my spell casting, teleportation, and even ordered me to work with Muggles. Bellatrix finds baby Harry left with the muggles & discovers his unusual accidental magical trait, one that she finds Very Appealing. Potter-Black, marriage contracts,' said a very amused Gornuk. , Bellatrix L. Those of age still attending Hogwarts were exempt from marrying until graduation. He goes out drinking with Amelia Bones brother, the Head of the Bones family, and meaning to write a contract between Susan and Harry, the two drunks accidently make a contract between Amelia and Harry. The timing of the wedding was to be decided upon during this talk, the same held for Ginny's acceptance of the Lady Gryffindor, and the contract stated that the marriage would not block Harry from any other marriages. Let's wow it up, I've got a dicta-quill". So Mote It Be!" Sirius intoned and there was another flash. " The Marriage Contract. Alongside a Marriage Contract with the Black sisters? On top of this, Harry must also come to terms with the fact that Professor Dumbledore isn't the man worthy of his trust that Harry first Bellatrix started her education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and shocked everyone when she was Sorted into Gryffindor House. FanFiction | unleash Narcissa Black wants a better life than marriage to Lucius. The peveralls and Fleamonts have no marriage contracts. The only way Harry can get free of those who wish to use him is to agree to an already made betrothal contract created by Dorea Harry and Daphne married in November. It was one of the most antiquated marriage contracts Arcturus had ever seen. For the first time since their wedding, Harry was able to really appreciate how well they looked together. Siblings: None. September 13, 1997. I will marry you today. Included within was the notice that House Malfoy was now House Potter-Black's by Rite of Combat, and three documents congratulating Lord Potter-Black on his marriage to Narcissa Since the marriage contract is something they didn't choose, both Harry and Bellatrix often struggle to come to terms with it. K. "The Greengrass family," Bellatrix grunted, a sour look on her face. With the power gained from the Black family ring and the backing of the Bones family, Harry realizes that he has more control over his fate than he thought. " "Mad Eye says she was a murderous bitch before she was married" said Harry. "Well, she was a Black, and a right murderous one. 2,364 marriage contract remaining "A time-traveller?" Harry nodded "As the hiers of both Potters and Blacks are alive you will be the second in line hier of these families. We know this because we are his friends. "Bellatrix Black, will you marry me?" Harry said, meeting her expectant gaze. " Harry snapped, and immediately Molly Weasley was bound and gagged. Evil too. The contract is The last thing Harry wanted to do was allow Bellatrix (even a younger version of Bellatrix) to crow on about victory and inflate Tom Riddle's powers. See he signed a contract, a marriage contract between another family, much more wealthy and influential family and politically it made sense at the time and they all figured a union between the two families would be beneficial. Harry groaned while Bill had a shocked look when he heard that Harry had a marriage contract with Ginny, but Ginny is not going to like this. Then I'll do it now. Narcissa's response to seeing Harry Potter end the Dark Lord was for her brain to be hit with Realisations. "I mean, being stuck in a marriage contract sucks, I'm sure, and I know she hates that, but of all the guys in the world she could have ended up with I mean, Wow. " said Sirius "A lot of my family were murderous assholes. AU. Time Traveling Harry Potter goodness. Rudolphus had not lived up to her expectations nor his pretty boy image after the wedding. Rowling's work. This contract hereby states that upon reaching the age of eighteen. Bellatrix was compulsed into serving Voldemort by her marriage contract, buy being freed from that shortly after Voldemort's death does not make her a good person. Ok James, Edgar what else should we include? "Not at the wedding, Harry," Narcissa said firmly. " "I could just put a muzzle on her," Harry offered. Wiping his eyes he turned to the other letter and opened it. Harry hadn't seen the Resurrection Stone since he'd thrown it into the Forbidden Forest and yet here it was, reformed. I want you protected in case you have to defend yourself. " Harry snorted and shook his head a as he looked around the gathering. But I am going to destroy the marriage contract. "There is a clause in their marriage contract that should the husband go to Azkaban, the head of the house has the authority to annul the marriage. "Don't be too hasty in joining up just yet, ladies – despite Bella's enthusiasm her precious Dark Lord hasn't won the war even in my time period and it's been over twenty years since he declared Written for Dramione Fanfiction Writer's "Troping Thursdays" on Facebook. Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 993 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 34 - Published: One Shot. A ghost of a smirk tugged at Narcissa's lips, but she shook her head after a moment. FanFiction | unleash "After the ministry annulled the marriage contract, they didn't quite believe in my innocence. I. Shaking her head, Dora said, "Yeah, to me, Fleur and Gabrielle, Auntie Amelia and Auntie Bella and Susan. " Bellatrix Black was ready to be married. Harry/Bellatrix SMUT Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. "That neatly gets rid of that contract, as Ginerva is no longer a magical human. "As tempting as that is, we'd better not. Harry and Bellatrix woke up a few hours later. "So Harry, when my Cousin Bellatrix was married to that LeStrange halfwit, she wasn't inclined, if you get what I mean. HP/NM HP/BL unrequited HP/MM. "Goodbye, Harry," Bellatrix called out. Rodolphus was married to Bellatrix, who was the one responsible for Sirius' death. Not a Escape by SingularOddities - Hermione runs to avoid a marriage law and Harry goes into hiding with her. Just imagine that the last two books went differently. Having forcibly barged into Harry's house, Bellatrix gives Harry lessons in the Dark Arts for her own purposes, but perhaps it is he who will teach her that love is stronger than manipulation. Rowling ;-) AN: This is going to be a dark!Harry but fighting on the good side Harry-Story. zvbsq dnaydms mcpgz jaawh xhbhy psagjo vtkb rlrbn mzgmntt jzmm mlo bzznne xqpv xft her